
Demonstrative Pronouns

The demonstrative pronouns are the same in form as the demonstrative adjectives, but they always have the accent mark: éste, ése, aquél, ésa, aquélla, etc.

Esta mesa es mía, aquélla es tuya. This table is mine, that one is yours.
Deseo dos libros; dame ése y aquél. I want two books; give me that one (near you) and that one (yonder).

Ésta, ésa also mean ' this city,' ' that city':
Todo va bien en ésta. All goes well in this city.
¿Es bueno el clima en ésa? Is the climate good in that (your) city?

The demonstrative pronouns have also the neuter forms esto, eso, aquello, which refer to general ideas or phrases . These forms have no accent mark.

Eso es bueno, pero esto no. That is good, but this is not.
Eso no quita que vaya. That does not prevent my going.

La que fué al mercado es María. The one who went to market is Mary.
Las que usted vió son mis hijas. The ones that you saw are my daughters.
La de la cara larga es mi prima. The one with the long face is my cousin.
Los de Madrid ya llegaron. Those from Madrid have already arrived.
Lo que yo deseo es comer. What I wish is to eat.
