yo me engaño, I deceive myself, I am mistaken
tú te engañas, you are mistaken, etc.
él, ella, usted se engaña
nosotros, -as, nos engañamos
vosotros, -as, os engañáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes se engañan
Yo me amo a mí mismo. I love myself.
Ellos se aman a sí mismos. They love themselves.
Ella se ama a sí misma. She loves herself.
No se ven ahora. They are not seen now.
Todavía no se ha comprado la casa. The house has not been bought yet.
Esto se hizo el año pasado. This was done last year.
¿A qué hora se abrirán las puertas? At what hour will the doors be opened?
Se dice que habrá guerra. They say (it is said) that there will be war.
Aquí se habla francés. French is spoken here.
No se debe comer tan aprisa. One must not eat so fast.
¿Qué se estudia aqui? What do you study here?
Se levanta. He rises (lit. he raises himself).
Se sienta. She sits.
Me caigo. I fall.
acordarse, to remember.
dignarse, to deign.
arrepentirse, to repent.
quejarse, to complain.
atreverse, to dare.
acostar, to put to bed. acostarse, to lie down, go to bed.
alegrar, to gladden, cause to rejoice. alegrarse, to rejoice, be glad.
escapar,to escape. escaparse,to run away, escape.
ir,to go. irse,to go away.
llegar,to arrive. llegarse,to approach.
fiar or fiarse, to trust.
quedar or quedarse, to remain.
reír or reírse, to laugh.
tardar or tardarse, to delay.
Se le habló al maestro. They spoke to the teacher.
No se le dijo nada. Nothing was said to him, they told him nothing.
Se nos pagaba. They paid us, we were paid.
Se la admitió. She was admitted.
Los libros se leyeron (= fueron leídos, never se les leyó). The books were read.
Ya se compraron los lápices. The pencils have already been bought.
Me quito el sombrero. I take off my hat.
Se ponen los guantes. They are putting on their gloves.
Debes ponerte el sobretodo. You must put on your overcoat.
me figurose
me figura I imagine, it seems to me
se me olvidó
me olvidé (de) (olvidé) I forgot
Se les figura que son ricos. They imagine they are rich.
Se nos olvidó decirte. We forgot to tell you.
Se le olvidó la carta. He forgot the letter.